25 March 2009

Few About Photography

• Journalism Photograpy (Fotografi Jurnalistik)
Journalistic photography is a special photo that displays the photos you have any news value, can be objects, or situations of human life that attract public attention because it as a news event that is able to reveal, explain and raise curiosity.
(Dictionary of Photography Bram nejad essay)

According to the understanding Hick, is a photo journalistic news presented in the form of an image or can be termed as an event that is displayed in the "language" image.

• Wedding Photograpy (Fotografi Pernikahan)
Wedding Photography is a specializes in dedication wedding-momment or event. Necessary for it, we should be understanding photography techniques, lighting and the customs and etiquette wedding.
(Dictionary of Photography Bram nejad essay)

• Architecture Photograpy (Fotografi Arsitektur)
Architectural photography is a specialized branch of photography on the objects of architecture with the documentary approach, and commercial art.
(Dictionary of Photography Bran nejad essay)

Architectural photography is the result of the paper documentation that can show not only the interests of documentation, but also in terms of architectural aesthetics, art, expression, communication, ethics, imagination, reality, emotions, harmony, drama, and the honesty and the dimensions of the lines.
(Ari Purwanting: architect, author, lecturer and housewife)

• Fashion Photograpy (Fotografi Fashion)
Fashion photography is photography that subjugate special photo equipment and clothing. A fashion photographer must be able to integrate with the fashion model to become an image (picture) that harmony.
(Dictionary of Photography Bram nejad essay)

• Aerial Photograpy (Fotografi Udara)
Air photography is special photography shooting air. Can be used for mapping, survey, or the measurement of spatial and agriculture.
(Dictionary of Photography Bram nejad essay)
Air photography is a combination of Wireless Technology, Remote Controlled Flying Ballon and that combined with creativity, experience and innovation in the world of photography services produce air that is capable of shooting up an impression, more value and meaning of a property.
(source: www.dynton.com)

• Fine Art Photograpy (Fotografi Seni)
Fine Art Photography is of photography that is used specifically for the art like the withdrawal canvas and brush.
(Dictionary of Photography Bram nejad essay)

20 March 2009

Book Review

Tittle : Instant Hacking
Author : Evfy Zam Kerinci
Published : Gava Media
Year : 2007
Book Bold : 171 pages

Many people who thought when the computer not connected with the significant internet this computer was safe, was not easy to be affected by the virus, etc. All that was wrong, the computer that not connect with the internet was uncertain this computer will be safe both from the crime of humankind and cruel him the virus. In the progress of technology at this time, the other person could infiltrate into the person's other computer easily good this computer connected or not. Why could? So the Hacking activity, if being interpreted freely was significantly Technical Hacking. To be precise, how could someone infiltrate into the person's other computer unbeknownst that the owner of the computer.

This Instant Hacking book presented several normal tricks was carried out hacker and carding in carrying out their activity. Several matters that were given by the writer to the reader among them how to make the virus false and the method him to the person's other computer, how a person carder carried out the activity carding (looked for the credit card) with used enscript available inside file database Comersus, take apart password Windows XP, etc.

Evidently to carry out this activity we might not take part in the course of the security system, took part in the seminar hacking, or even spent the cost that was big to take the Scholar and Certification in the field of IT only to carry out the activity hacking. All could be carried out by you with instant through this book.

Nevertheless this book had the weakness among them the language that was used in the writing of this book was too simple, not all that details so as for them the lay reader would computer knowledge will feel confusion in caught what was untangled by the writer. The other weakness was knowledge that has the reader got from this book it was not impossible to be misused by them who were not responsible.


Globalisasi UNDERSTANDING not a foreign word for us. In the real life prospect of the globalisation produced many changes that happened. Not only Indonesia that experienced the change from this globalisation but, all the available country in the world also experienced the impact concerning this. The globalisation will bring the meaning just about the concept of “Dunia Tanpa Batas” that at this time was accepted as future reality that will influence the development of the culture and brought the new change. Then, what was meant by the globalisation?

The globalisation was the process where social relations and international quality dependence and between human kind in the world that brought the big change. In other words the globalisation was international breakers of human restraint. So as the globalisation made restraint between the life of the country become very transparent. There was also the other opinion that explained about the understanding from the globalisation personally.

According to A.G. McGrew (1992) the globalisation was the process where various incidents, the decision and the activity in the part of the world that one could bring the important consequences for various individuals and the community in the other part of the world. Where as according to Wilkipedia Encyclopedia, globalisation was a term that was used to explain changes in the community (changes) and in the economy of the world that was produced by increased by the speed of the trade and the exchange of culture. In a sense economics, the globalisation referred especially in liberalisa the trade or free trade (free trade).

From this Wilkipedia understanding meant the globalisation was very big his influence on the economy of the country. And now whether the globalisation also was influential towards the life of politics in available countries in this world?

The Globalosation influence of politic changes
Anthony Giddens, there was several influences of politics that became the strength of the motivator behind the increase in the globalisation. Like the collapse of communism in the style of Soviet through a series of dramatic revolution in Eastern Europe in 1989, that klimaks in the Soviet Union closing down personally to 1991. since the fall of communism, countries in the former Soviet block, among them Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Republik Czech Republic, Baltic, Kaukakus and Asian-center, and many others that were other, moved to the side of sitem economics and politics in an Western style. At the same moment the Chinese communist country began to be open against the capitalist. Did the globalisation only affect the communist country then? How with Indonesian?

The Indonesian nation, as in the case of other nations in this globalisation period, could not avoid his swift flow the complexity of the change (the innovation) as resulting from sophisticated him information technology, the telecommunications and the transport. The globalisation also influenced changes towards the life of politics in Indonesia among them:

  • The spreading of the values of West politics good directly or indirectly in the form of the demonstration, the increasingly brave demonstration and occasionally “ignore the interesting”.
  • Increasingly faded him the values of politics were based on the spirit of familiarity, the conference and the co-operation system.
  • Increasingly the strengthening of the values of politics was based on the individual spirit, the group, the opposition, the dictator of the majority or minority tyranny.
  • The transparency, akuntability, and professional in the implementation of the government of the country (positions of the public) increasingly received the focus from various elements of the community.
  • Even more births of the political party, the organisation or the Non-governmental Organisation of the non-government (the NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION) that to “sponsor” the certain interests by expressing human rights, legal supremacy,democratisation, the environment, etc.
In facing the change resulting from this globalisation, the president also spoke in the speech on politics country, “MEMPERINGATI HARI LAHIR PANCASILA”, in Jakarta Convention Center on June 1 2006, “the smart nation in the globalisation era, not the nation that continued to complain, surrendered, and angry, but the nation that cleverly could channel sources of welfare that was available in the global arena. Technology, capital, information, that finally had been used by us by being good for increased our welfare, increased our interests. Often was said by me, don’t be a loser, don't want to be the person who lost. Let's become the winner, to be a winner in the globalisation set”.

Book Review

Book Title : Hip-Hop Perlawanan dari Ghetto
Author : Afrika Bambaataa & His Brothas
Publisher : Alinea, Yogyakarta 2005
Bold Books : 240 pages

Afrika Bambaataa was born with the name of Kevin Donovan on 10 April 1960 in the South Bronx, New York. For more than 30 years, Bambaataa has proven success to hip-hop revolution. He is also very affecting scene electric / dance and help the culture of the more advanced nowadays. During its early years, play a musical instrument Bam trumpet and piano. Ago he became leader one of the most group in New York the Black Spades. At 1976, he began to expand hobbies in music, from rock to R & B, from mainstream to underground. DJ Afrika Bambaataa became famous in the Bronx in 1977.

"Hip-hop culture means the entire movement. When you talk concerning rap, then rap is part of hip-hop culture. Rap is MC-ing. DJ-ing is part of hip-hop culture. Breakdancing, b-boys, b-girls, your act, walk, top, and talk is all part of hip-hop culture. Hip-hop music is made of people-black, brown, yellow, red, made from any grant that the spirit of " it is the definition of hiphop is said Afrika Bambaataa. Hip-hop...chemical elements that come from Jamaica. That definition is said DJ Kool Herc a DJ who came from Jamaica. Davey D a hip-hop historian, journalist, DJ and activist social says "hip-hop that is a form of art that include DJ-ing (cuttin 'and scratchin'), MC-ing or rappin ', breakdancing, and graffiti art." As we know at this time that hip-hop scene comes from the South Bronx, New York around the mid-1970s. Hip-hop culture with the same movement. Elements in hip-hop culture is rap (MC-ing), DJ-ing, breakin', and graffiti that is currently known as the 4 elements of hip-hop.


Breakin' (b-boys / b-girls)

DJ (turntablelism)

MC (rappin)

This book has many definitions of culture hip-hop. Be discussed about the origin of hip-hop began to appear, anything about hip-hop culture, history and the emergence of graffiti breakin’ and to become part of hip-hop culture. This book is very well read by anybody, children, adolescents, parents, they who wish to dive in the world hip-hop. This book is also erasing views of those who say that hip-hop music is one of the class, only for the bourgeoisie, and those who move in it must have a bling-bling (necklace, ring, earrings or other accessories body shimmer from the jewel diamond, gold, or any high value). This book also provides a description of those who discriminate of this music genre to become musicians who are able.

Background dance "Ajat Temuai Datai"

"Ajat Temuai Datai" lifted from the Dayak Mualang (Ibanic Group), which can not be defined, because there is a gaffe if defined word by word. But is meant a dance to welcome guests, aims to welcome the big guests or visitors.

Early birth of this art from the period pengayauan (war), among groups of Dayak tribes. Mengayau, derived from the word me-ngayau, which means that the enemy (Dayak Iban language). But if mengayau contain the special action of a group looking for other ways to attack and behead lawannya. In the Dayak community in the past mualang the hero who returned from pengayauan and win the war and bring proof of a human head, is a guest who is considered a noble and a man who is able to become heroes for the group. Therefore created a ceremony "Ajat Temuai Datai". Dayak community to believe that someone in the head save a life force or spirit that can protect the owner and his group.

According to J. U. Lontaan (Customary Law and Customs of West Kalimantan in 1974), there are four goals in mengayau namely : to protect agriculture, to get additional power of the soul, for vengeance, and as the resistance of a building. After getting the results from mengayau, the hero can not enter the village area, but with the way in providing sign language Dayak Mualang called Nyelaing (Dayak special shout) that says "Heeih!", as many as seven times that means that heroes come home and win and get in pengayauan the opponent is still fresh. If the scream is only three times means that the victors win in the war or mengayau but fell victim in side. If the only means that once the hero does not get anything, and not held a special reception. After providing a sign nyelaing, the soldier send envoys to meet the head or the head in order to prepare the tribes event reception.

Welcome this process, namely through three innings: Ngiring Temuai (guides accompany guests or guests) to the fore Rumah Panjai (home for a long stage) ngiring temuai process is done with the dancing and how dance is called Tari Ajat (reception). Then the chieftain Beras Kuning (rice mixed with lavish turmeric / yellow rice) and read the message or incantation as a requirement to invite Senggalang Burong (sacred bird / birds to sent advice or message to Lord (Petara)).
The second phase of Mancung Buloh (cut with saber or cleaver to decide bamboo), bamboo means deliberately cover entrance to the house panjai and the guests must decide to cut his mandau, bamboo as a symbol of freedom from obstacles that impede the travel of delegates.

The third phase is Nijak Batu (set his foot to touch a stone soaked in water that has been prepared), as a symbol of strong determination and dignity big-guests as the patriarch of a hero. Water on stone dropped on the front of the head as a symbol of strength and spirit of the rock hero by big-guest or greeted guests. Fourth round of Tama 'Bilik (entering the house panjai).
After a procession through the round over, the guests are allowed to ride home with a long cleanse themselves in a ritual called Mulai Burung (to restore the spirit of war and drive out evil spirits).

just to share knowledge...

for which you want to speed up internet connection, you can follow the trick below...
to the experts this may not be useful, yaaa...i just one of newbie...

in Internet Explorer
Select the menu Tools - Options
click the Connections tab,
click the LAN Settings button,
enable "use a proxy server", then click Advanced,
sock in the fields and fill in localhost port 9999 with the contents
on the exceptions (Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with:)
fill with;
then click ok

in Firefox
Select the menu Edit - Preferences,
click the Advanced icon,
click the Network tab,
click the Settings button,
click on manual proxy configuration
Sock in the fields fill in host localhost and port 9999 with the contents
in the no proxy for the content of the localhost,;
then click ok

Mozilla Firefox for the user you can type "about: config" in the address bar, then change "network.http.pipelining" and "network.http.proxy pipelining" to "true", and the contents "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” between 30-100 (gede better). The last right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer, enter "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" then fill in with 0.
For Internet Explorer users, you can select the Tools menu, then click Internet Options. then select the General tab and on the "Temporary Internet files" click on Settings and move the slider to its position in the Temporary Internet files folder. This will increase the cache or the location of storage sites that you have open. Instead fill in with a value of at least 5 person capacity of your hard disk.

thank you...
for suggestions and critics praise damn prizes and taxes or anything...
send e-mail to smaLL-t@plasa.com