Tittle : Instant Hacking
Author : Evfy Zam Kerinci
Published : Gava Media
Year : 2007
Book Bold : 171 pages
Many people who thought when the computer not connected with the significant internet this computer was safe, was not easy to be affected by the virus, etc. All that was wrong, the computer that not connect with the internet was uncertain this computer will be safe both from the crime of humankind and cruel him the virus. In the progress of technology at this time, the other person could infiltrate into the person's other computer easily good this computer connected or not. Why could? So the Hacking activity, if being interpreted freely was significantly Technical Hacking. To be precise, how could someone infiltrate into the person's other computer unbeknownst that the owner of the computer.
This Instant Hacking book presented several normal tricks was carried out hacker and carding in carrying out their activity. Several matters that were given by the writer to the reader among them how to make the virus false and the method him to the person's other computer, how a person carder carried out the activity carding (looked for the credit card) with used enscript available inside file database Comersus, take apart password Windows XP, etc.
Evidently to carry out this activity we might not take part in the course of the security system, took part in the seminar hacking, or even spent the cost that was big to take the Scholar and Certification in the field of IT only to carry out the activity hacking. All could be carried out by you with instant through this book.
Nevertheless this book had the weakness among them the language that was used in the writing of this book was too simple, not all that details so as for them the lay reader would computer knowledge will feel confusion in caught what was untangled by the writer. The other weakness was knowledge that has the reader got from this book it was not impossible to be misused by them who were not responsible.
KARAMO (Berbagi-Bersama)
6 years ago
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